Light Therapy in Fairbanks

Light Therapy

Welcome to Revive Medical Spa

Going Beyond Red Light

Our custom made, Photobiomodulation Bed has Red, NIR, Yellow, Green and Blue LED capabilities, with easy to use presets to get an individualized session based on your body’s needs.

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Experience our Light Therapy Bed with single sessions, session punch cards, or a one year Unlimited Pass. See best results when used 2-5x per week.

Discover our 6 preset focused programs from the user friendly touchscreen to unlock a quick, functional, affordable biohack to promote well being for the body and mind. Our custom-designed presets provide personalized sessions to tackle various health and wellness requirements effectively. Each preset offers a specific set of science-backed wavelengths, guaranteeing a comprehensive and revitalizing experience.


Light Therapy Options


A 12-minute journey, taking you through all the wavelengths to dial up your wellness game! Get ready for a glow-up for your skin and hair, happy muscles and joints, and improves brain and eye health. Plus, say hello to balanced hormones, zen-like cortisol levels, improved circulation, a tough immune system, a mood boost, and dreamy sleep.


  • Red 633-660nm
  • NIR 810-940nm
  • Blue 450-495nm
  • Yellow 570-590nm
  • Green 532-570nm


Get your brain and muscles fired up for peak performance and top-notch brainpower! Enhance your focus, uplift your mood, and supercharge your motivation, cognition, and memory. In just 10 minutes, level up to be faster, stronger, and sharper than ever before. This setting also helps clear up breakout-prone skin, and we recommend this setting for early in the day, or for a mid day pick up.


  • Red 633-660nm
  • NIR 810-940nm
  • Blue 450-495nm
  • Yellow 570-590nm


This technology harnesses both red and near infrared wavelengths to stimulate a range of biological processes. Its applications include anti-inflammatory effects, pain relief, post-surgery recovery, wound healing, arthritis alleviation, anti-aging properties, skin rejuvenation, enhanced circulation, hormonal regulation, hair revitalization, tissue repair, circadian rhythm synchronization for improved sleep, and addressing neurological impacts of degenerative diseases and traumatic brain injuries.


  • Red 633-660nm
  • NIR 810-940nm


This environment aids in promoting the integration of mental and physical well-being. It facilitates the alleviation of migraines, Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), mood stabilization, anxiety relief, improved digestion, radiant skin, enhanced sleep quality, and cellular nourishment, contributing to holistic wellness. It also effectively diminishes dark spots by regulating melanin production, minimizing the visibility of dilated capillaries, addressing sagging skin near the eyes, reducing pigmentation, and fading sunspots. Additionally, a study conducted by Harvard proposes that exposure to specific lighting can have a soothing impact on individuals dealing with light sensitivity and migraines, simulating the calming effects of a sunny day in nature at a cellular level. Take a 12-minute journey to tranquility while experiencing a sequence of red, yellow, blue, and green lights.


  • Red 633-660nm
  • Yellow 570-590nm
  • Blue 450-495nm
  • NIR 810-940nm
  • Green 532-570nm


This setting addresses acne, enhance skin radiance, diminish redness and dark spots, support weight loss, lymphatic function, bolster the immune system, and optimize liver function. This regimen starts and ends with a three-minute exposure to red and blue light. In the session, emerald green light aims to emulsify adipose tissue, facilitating the release of surplus fatty materials. Subsequently, these materials undergo natural detoxification processes within the body. Following this, the application of yellow light deeply penetrates the skin, activating the lymphatic system to eliminate toxins, accelerate wound healing, and enhance skin hydration. The utilization of blue light is pivotal due to its potent antibacterial properties, effectively eradicating bacteria from follicles and pores. This light not only enhances the appearance of congested and acne-prone skin but also promotes cognitive function.


  • Red 633-660nm
  • Blue 450nm
  • Yellow 570-590nm
  • Green 530-570nm


Say goodbye to inflammation, wave hello to muscle recovery after workouts, keep those joints happy, mend ligaments and tendons, boost circulation, and give your brain a high-five for better thinking and nerve action. A therapeutic 12 minute session designed to accelerate healing.


  • Red 633-660nm
  • NIR 810-960nm

Ready for a Revival?

Begin your individualized wellness and aesthetic journey at our med spa in Fairbanks today!

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