Sunscreen Basics
Sunscreen is an essential part of a healthy skin regimen. Daily, year-round application works to prevent two major skin issues: premature skin aging and risk of skin cancer. An effective sunscreen should be labeled broad-spectrum, have a sun protection factor (SPF) rating of at least 50 and be water-resistant. Product usage is also key for achieving the best protection.
Sunscreen Application Tips
Tip #1 When to apply
Sunscreen needs time to bind to the outer layer of the skin for maximum benefit and protection. Apply to cool, dry skin in the morning 15-30 minutes before leaving the house, or before going outdoors for an extended length of time.
Applying sunscreen to hot, wet skin will dramatically diminish the effectiveness of the sunscreen.
Tip #2 How Much to Apply
The recommended amount of sunscreen for the face and body is one full ounce, or a shot glass size amount, to all exposed areas of the body.
Remember to apply to the entire neck area as well as ears, which are often forgotten and are prime areas for skin cancer and skin aging.
Tip #3 Always Reapply Sunscreen
Next to not applying at all, the biggest mistake with sunscreen is not reapplying. A second application 15-30 minutes after the initial application is ideal, but reapplication should happen at least every two hours.
Apply more frequently when sweating, or after swimming and toweling off, making sure the skin has cooled down and is dry before application.
Tip #4 Wearing Protective Clothing
Wear UPF clothing and wide-brimmed hats, covering exposed areas when outside for long periods of time.
Tip #5 Understand the Label
According to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), sunscreens are considered over-the-counter drugs, and as such a sunscreen label can only make very specific claims. These claims are:
- Sun Protection Factor (SPF)
- Broad-Spectrum (UVA and UVB protection)
- Water resistant
- Making claims on the packaging such as anti-pollution or anti-inflammatory are unregulated drug claims and are in violation of the rules regulating sunscreens
Revive Aesthetics carries a full range of sunscreens, including tinted sunscreen, to protect you from our Alaskan summers.