Treatments, Wellness
So, what actually IS Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy?
Hormones are critical to your body’s basic functions, including digestion, appetite, libido, and mood. When hormone levels become imbalanced or drop, it can significantly impact your health and overall sense of well-being. For many people, the answer lies in bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT), which involves using compounded medications tailored to replace the hormones your body is no longer producing adequately.
In particular, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) is gaining popularity. Bioidentical hormones are designed to mirror the molecular structure and function of natural human hormones, making them a preferred choice for many doctors and patients dealing with hormone decline or imbalance.
Benefits of Bioidenticatl Hormone Replacement Therapy
- Menopause
One of the most common reasons for BHRT is to address symptoms associated with menopause. These include:
– Hot flashes
– Night sweats
– Vaginal dryness
– Sleep disturbances
– Fatigue
– Weight gain
– Loss of muscle mass
– Mood changes
– Foggy thinking
BHRT can help alleviate these symptoms, improving the quality of life for women experiencing perimenopause and menopause. There’s no need to suffer in silence when relief is possible.
- Loss of Bone Density
As women age, particularly post-menopause, osteoporosis becomes a concern. This condition leads to brittle, fragile bones that can fracture easily. BHRT can be an effective solution for helping maintain bone density and strength during this critical time.
- Heart Health
Women are naturally protected from many cardiovascular issues by their hormones—until menopause. Once estrogen and other adrenal hormones decline, the risk of heart disease increases. Hormone replacement therapy may help protect heart health during this transition.
- Sexual Dysfunction
Hormonal imbalances can lead to sexual dysfunction in both men and women. BHRT may address issues like vaginal dryness in women and decreased libido or other sexual dysfunction concerns in both sexes.
- Muscle and Strength Loss
As hormone levels decline, both men and women can experience a loss of muscle mass and strength. BHRT helps individuals maintain their muscle mass, allowing them to stay active and enjoy a better quality of life.
- Mood Disorders
Hormonal changes during menopause or andropause (in men) can lead to mood swings, anxiety, or depression. These changes can cause physical symptoms like a rapid heart rate, shortness of breath, nausea, shakiness, and high blood pressure. BHRT may help alleviate these emotional and physical symptoms.
Who Can Benefit from Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy?
BHRT can be an effective solution for both men and women experiencing age-related hormonal changes, which may lead to anything from minor wellness issues to more serious medical conditions.
Younger patients with similar hormone imbalances may also benefit from this therapy. If you’re suffering from hormone imbalance, regardless of age, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy could provide relief.
Who Should Avoid Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy?
While BHRT has proven beneficial for many, it isn’t right for everyone. Some individuals don’t experience the symptoms of hormone decline, in which case there’s no need for therapy. Additionally, the potential risks and side effects of BHRT vary based on your personal medical history and lifestyle. It’s essential to have a laboratory data and a thorough consult before starting therapy, especially if you have any of the following risk factors:
– Suspect you may be pregnant
– Are experiencing unexplained vaginal bleeding
– Have a history of breast, uterine, or endometrial cancer
– Have had a stroke or heart attack
– Have/had blood clots
– Have/had liver disease
Stephanie Gho MS PA-C will assess your current hormone levels and medical history to determine whether BHRT is the right course of action for you.
Revive Medical Spa’s BHRT Medication Solutions
Revive offers a variety of medication solutions, including:
These medications can be customized to suit individual needs, helping you achieve hormone balance and enjoy better health.
Common Dosage Forms of BHRT
BHRT is available in a variety of dosage forms, such as pellets, creams, patches, and pills, allowing for a tailored approach to hormone replacement. Depending on your specific needs and preferences, we can help you choose the most suitable form for your therapy.
Hormone replacement therapy, particularly with bioidentical hormones, is an essential option for people facing the challenges of hormone imbalance. Whether you’re navigating menopause, dealing with osteoporosis, or seeking to maintain your vitality as you age, BHRT may provide the relief and support you need. Revive Medical Spa is proud to offer BHRT, and Stephanie Gho MS PA-C will work closely with you to help to determine the safest, most effective, and best approach for your unique situation.